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Moving to production environment

To move to production environment after testing and start accepting real payments, follow these steps:

  1. In Personal Area, change initial passwords for logins from the email with production settings.
  2. Configure payments using one of the ways of integration.
  3. Activate payments.

Changing data in Personal Area

To change initial passwords:

  1. Log in to production Personal Area. To do this, enter the login with -api suffix and the initial password — you can find them in the email with the instruction for switching to production.
  2. Change the password for the -api login. New password must satisfy the following requirements:
    • Contains at least 12 symbols.
    • Contains upper-case and lower-case Latin characters, digits, and symbols from the group: ! " № ; : ? * ( ) + = /\ < > , . {}.
  3. You have changed the password for the -api login. Log out from Personal Area and open the authentication page again. Enter the login with the -operator suffix and the initial password from the email with the instruction.
  4. Enter and confirm a new password for the -operator login. It also must satisfy the requirements on quantity and type of symbols (see step 2).

To log in to Personal Area, use the -operator login and your new password for it.

Configuring payments with one of integration ways

Choose a way of integration:

Activation of payments acceptance

To start accepting payments, carry out a payment in production environment:

  1. Register an order with the way you have configured.
  2. Pay for the order with a real test card.
  3. Check that the payment is successful in Personal Area.
eCommerce API V1
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